A popular New England winter activity that many of us have participated in at one time or another is riding snowmobiles. Whether it is on a trail or your backyard, with friends and family or even just by yourself, it can be a great way to spend a snowy day. But what happens if your right to operate a motor vehicle suspended – are you still legally allowed to partake in riding a snowmobile? This is a question that our firm is frequently asked and fortunately the answer is yes. Even if you have a suspended right to operate, you can still legally operate a snowmobile so long as two conditions are met.
The first condition is that the snowmobile you are operating is registered within Massachusetts through the Environmental Police. Even if your snowmobile is registered in another state, you must still register the snowmobile in Massachusetts in order to operate it within the Commonwealth. There are several documents that you would need such as a Bill of Sale, proof that you paid sales tax, in cases of new snowmobiles a copy of the Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin, the VIN number and a completed registration form. None of these items list a requirement to show your license status.
The second condition is dependent on where you would like to operate your snowmobile. If you would like to operate your registered snowmobile on a trail located in the Commonwealth, you need to obtain a trail pass which requires you to only select the trail and provide basic information. If you would like to ride your snowmobile on private property, you must possess written permission from the property owner at all times pursuant to M.G.L. c.90B §26. If both of these conditions are met, you are legally entitled to operate a snowmobile here in Massachusetts.
If you have had your license suspended due to a criminal charge or from the actions of the Registry of Motor Vehicles, contact The Law Offices of Joseph D. Bernard to discuss what options you have for reinstatement.